Huang Pin-Ling
2014 National Certification of Advanced Plastic Art, National Super College of Fine Art, Paris
2012 National Certification of Plastic Art, National Super College of Fine Art, Paris
2009 National Taipei University of Arts
1986 Born in Hsinchu, Taiwan
Selected Solo Exhibitions
2016 "In Distant Place", Kalos Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2015 "Moreover", Galerie Paris Horizon, Paris, France
2015 "In This Place", A Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2014 "Lonely Land", National Super College of Fine Art, Paris, France
2013 "Piece of Peace", MU Gallery, Prague, Czech
Selected Group Exhibitions
2016 "A Place of One's Own", Exhibition of Juming Museum Collection, Taipei, Taiwan
2013 "I Sent You This Short Note", Huang Hua Zhan X Huang Pin lin, Paris, France
2013 "Melting Potes!", Museé du Montparnasse, Paris, France
2013 "Island of Yesterday", Guandu Museum of Art, Taipei, Taiwan
2012 "Jeune Création", Centquatre 104, Paris, France
2012 "Postyouth", Guandu Museum of Art, Taipei, Taiwan
2017 Silks Club, 168 Project, ALIEN Art Co. Ltd., Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2009 National Taiwan Museum of Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
2009 Long Yan Foundation, Taipei, Taiwan